La lista de todos los Caballeros de la Tabla Redonda.
Los veinticinco principales inscritos en la Tabla de Winchester, y después todos los restantes descritos en "Le Morte d'Arthur" de Sir Thomas Malory.
King Arthur
Sir Lancelot du Lac
Sir Galahad
Sir Gawain
Sir Percivale
Sir Lionell
Sir Bors de Ganis
Sir Kay le Seneschal
Sir Tristan de Lyones
Sir Gareth
Sir Bedivere
Sir Bleoberis
Sir Breunor le Noire (La Cote Male Taile)
Sir Lucan
Sir Palomedes
Sir Lamorak
Sir Safer
Sir Pelleas
Sir Ector de Maris
Sir Dagonet
Sir Degore
Sir Gingalin (Le Bel Desconneu)
Sir Alymere
Sir Mordred.
Sir Aglovale
Sir Agravaine
Sir Aliduke
King Anguish of Ireland
Earl Aristause
Sir Arrok de Grevaunt
Sir Astamor.
King Bagdemagus
Sir Barant le Apres (also called the King with the hundred knights)
Sir Baudwin
Sir Bellangere le Beuse
Sir Bellangere le Orgulous
Sir Belleus
Sir Blamore de Ganis
Sir Bohart le Cure Hardy (the son of King Arthur, also called Sir Borre)
Sir Brandiles
Sir Brian de Listinoise.
King Carados of Scotland
Sir Cardok
Duke Chaleins of Clarance
King Clarance of Northumberland
Sir Clarrus of Cleremont
Sir Clegis
Sir Cloddrus
Sir Colgrevance
Sir Constantine
Sir Crosselm
Sir Curselaine
Sir Darras
Sir Degrane Saunce Velany
Sir Degrevaunt
Sir Dinadan
Sir Dinas
Sir Dinas le Seneschal of Cornwall
Sir Dodinas le Savage
Sir Durnore
Sir Driant.
Sir Edward of Carnarvon
Sir Edward of Orkney
Sir Epinogris
Sir Erminide
Sir Fergus
Sir Florence.
Sir Gahalantine
Sir Gaheris
Sir Galagars
Sir Galihodin
Sir Galihud
Sir Galleron of Galway
Sir Gautere
Sir Gillemere
Sir Griflet le Fise de Dieu
Sir Gromere Grommor's son
Sir Guyart le Petite
Sir Gromore Somir Joure
Sir Harry le Fise Lake
Sir Hebes
Sir Hebes le Renoumes
Sir Hectimere
Sir Helaine le Blank
Sir Hervise de la Forest Savage
Sir Hervise le Revel
Sir Ironside (also called the noble Red Knight of the Red Launds).
Sir Kay de Stranges.
Sir Ladinas of the Forest Savage
King of the Lake
Earl Lambaile
Sir Lambegus
Sir Lamiel of Cardiff
Sir Lavaine
Sir Lovel
Sir Lucan the Butler.
Sir Mador de la Porte
Sir Marhaus
Sir Marrok
Sir Melleaus de Lile
Sir Melion of the Mountain
Sir Meliot de Logris
Sir Meliagaunce
Sir Menaduke
Sir Morganore.
Sir King Nentres of Garloth
Sir Nerovens.
Sir Ozanna le Cure Hardy.
Sir Patrise of Ireland
Sir Perimones
Sir Persaunt
Sir Persides
Sir Pertilope (also called the Green Knight)
Sir Petipase of Winchelsea
Sir Pinel le Savage
Sir Plaine de Fors
Sir Plenorius
Sir Priamus.
Sir Reynold, the Duke de la Rowse
Sir Sadok
Sir Sagramore le Desirous
Sir Safere
Sir Selises of the Dolorous Tower
Sir Sentraile
Sir Servause le Breuse
Sir Suppinabilis.
Sir Tor
Earl Ulbause
King Uriens of the land of Gore
Sir Urre
Sir Uwaine le Blanche Mains (also called Sir Uwaine le Fise de Roy Ureine )
Sir Uwaine les Avoutres.
Sir Villiars the Valiant.
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